Eco-visit to Environmental-related Facilities Eco-visit to Environmental-related Facilities

Eco-visit to Environmental-related Facilities

The Green Earth offers eco-talks and experiential workshops to boost public environmental awareness.

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Where is the destination of trash? How are recyclables being dealt with? Let’s trace where they end up after we dump them! The eco-visit is designed to bring you to different environmental-related facilities and satisfy your curiosity. We shall also rethink whether the current environmental policies are sufficient to tackle the serious waste problem in Hong Kong.

Recommended visiting locations #: CIC Zero Carbon Park, Eco Park,  MilMill, O Park, T Park, MoCC, Tzu Chi Environmental Action Centre, WEEE Park and Green@Community

Target: 6 years old or above
No. of Participants: 20-50
#Duration: 120 -180 mins
# Visitor numbers and reservation times depend on the specific requirements of each venue