Green Event-main logo-CS5OL_white-01

Environment and Conservation Fund
“Be a Green Event!” -
Outdoor Events Green Education Programme

Environment and Conservation Fund
“Be a Green Event!” -
Outdoor Events Green Education Programme

Sports events are widely embraced by the public nowadays. Many charities also hold outdoor activities for fundraising purpose. Every week, there are running races, cross-country runs, charity walks and many other sports competitions. With such frequent outdoor activities, certain level of environment impacts has been observed including a big amount of waste load In recent years, more and more event organizers around the world have tried to make their events more environmental-friendly to reduce impact to the environment and to build a positive image for the event, thus creating a positive image for both the activity and the organizer.


Project Aims

Be a Green Event! – Outdoor Events Green Education Programme, organized by The Green Earth(TGE), aims at encouraging organizers and participants to adopt green measures when organizing or participating in outdoor events. The programme supports event organizers by providing advice and support in waste management. A series of public education activities will be launched to promote a Green Event trend in Hong Kong.


“Be a Green Event” Outdoor Event Waste Reduction Supporting Program

“Be a Green Event” Outdoor Event Waste Reduction Supporting Program, hold by the Green Earth(TGE), is now assisting event organizers to implement waste reduction measures. TGE will collect and send the waste paper, aluminum cans and plastics to reliable recyclers for proper management, and also provide environmentally-friendly suggestion and education support.。

Programme Period: Aug 2017 to June 2018

Target: Outdoor event with 500 - 1500 participants
(including running races, sports games, walkathons, etc.)

* Charity events is prior to join this program

‘GREEN RUNNERS’ Running Tours

The Green Earth is organizing a series of leisure running tours, partnering with celebrity running coaches, to explore how we could run in a green and healthy way.


The series of running tours will bring you to places from our city center to the countryside, and appreciate Hong Kong’s unique beauty while exploring ways to ‘live green’. Celebrity coaches are invited in all sessions to share with us their special running tips, as well as the environmental topics that they are concerned about.


(Please refer to the Chinese version for more details.)


[Volunteers Wanted]

Green Event Volunteer Programme

Green Event Volunteer Programme

Have you noticed goods from large-scale outdoor activities can actually be recycled and reused? Would you like to promote the treasuring trend with TGE in outdoor events?

TGE is going to provide waste reduction and recycling support in at least 50 outdoor charitable events in the coming two years. We now need volunteers to help us achieving the goal.

To become a Green Event Volunteer, you can:

1) Help ease the pressure of landfills by promoting waste reduction in large-scale events/races

2) Raise the public’s environmental awareness by doing educational work on site

3) Experience the atmosphere and cheer up for the participants

4) Know more people who love the nature and sports

5) Receive a series of training activities, including outdoor and indoor trainings and gatherings

Target group:

- Age 16 or above

- Nature lovers, and like to protect the environment

- Physically suitable to work outdoor

- Willing to support the event’s environmental principles and implement waste reduction at source

- Priority will be given to those who have attended the briefing session

- Promise to attend the Green Event Volunteer service at least three times within the one-year project


-Within the one-year project, a volunteer who has completed the service for 3 times will receive a Green Event Volunteer certificate.


The Green Earth
Tel : (852) 3708 8380
Email :
Contact Person: Jessie Leung / Tammy Lam