Author: The Green Earth

滬史上最嚴垃圾分類 捲土重來

(2019年7月27日報導) 內地朋友聊起上海市風風火火的垃圾分類,指每晚提垃圾袋到廢物收集設施前,都會給站崗的環保大媽來一句:「你是甚麼垃圾?」大媽不是罵人,而是問袋中是甚麼廢物。大媽旁,通常有警察監督,確保回收「使命必達」。


(2019年7月25日專欄) 起題的話,這篇文章可以叫─《美國:人均製造最多垃圾的國家》。… 香港遊客多,固然會推高垃圾量,亦抵銷了部分減廢的成果。然而,遠在自由行之前,香港的垃圾量早就多得離譜,賴不得人。如果說此文在數美國不是,不如提醒大家照照鏡子。真要為文章起題的話,還得加上這句才算公允──「香港:人均製造最多垃圾的城市」。

The Annual Report of Plastic Bottle Brand Research – Half of the bottles belongs to local brands while the other half belongs to mainland Chinese brands (Video of Short-lived Plastic Brand Survey Attached)

(2 June 2019 Press release) Worldwide, over 8 million tonnes of plastic waste is dumped into the oceans every year, and beverage plastic bottles are the most commonly found type of waste during beach clean-up activities that serve as a good indicator of marine plastic waste. Based on our research findings, C’estbon, which is owned by the mainland Chinese brand China Resources, accounted for the most bottles collected. This was followed by Swire Coca-Cola series, Vita series, Watsons Water series, and mainland Chinese brand Master Kong respectively.


(2019年5月16日) 真人真事之一:有大學生「著晒suit」上堂匯報,同學訝異淺灰色的地板上,怎麼竟有一地Oreo餅碎,而且愈來愈多。卻原來該學生借了親戚十年前結婚用的皮鞋上陣,卻因太久沒穿而碎裂。