Author: The Green Earth

How nightly marine light pollution harms sea life, the environment and Hongkongers

(20 August 2023 Hong Kong Free Press)

Marine light pollution caused by bright fishing lights is a growing concern in Hong Kong. It adversely affects the environment, disrupts coastal residents, harms marine life, and poses risks to navigation. Clear rules and regulations are essential to mitigate this issue and strike a balance between the fishing industry’s requirements and the protection of the marine ecosystem.

Hong Kong must up the stakes to stop recyclable plastic bottles from ending up in landfills

(22 Jun 2023 SCMP)

Almost all of Hong Kong’s polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles continue to be thrown away, rather than recycled, despite plastic recovery schemes. Less than one per cent were recycled in 2019, the latest year for which discrete PET figures are available, with the bulk – about 121 tonnes a day – ending up in a landfill. Many such plastic bottles are simply dumped on our beaches and nature trails, polluting our environment.


(2023年6月16日 專欄) 我不喜歡過國際乜乜日、物物日,如果大家只會在這天高舉標語、辦幾場大龍鳳活動,行禮如儀。假如世界環境日是一面照妖鏡,那麼這一天,正映照出各國對塑膠問題的態度—真心着緊,抑或有口無心。

新田科技城恐剷248公頃濕地敏感地區 摧毀后海灣濕地保育制度 九個環團呼籲政府修訂方案 堅守濕地規劃原則

(2023年6月20日新聞稿) 發展局正就新田科技城的土地用途進行公眾諮詢,擬於明年內填平約90公頃魚塘作創科用地。綠惜地球等九個環保團體(下稱團體)發表聯合聲明,批評發展計劃摧毀保育后海灣濕地30年來的重要制度,包括發展凌駕科學,未完成生態研究即公佈發展計劃,影響達248公頃濕地敏感地區,有淡化重大生態影響之嫌;違反濕地規劃指引「防患未然」和「濕地零淨損失」等原則;更未有就發展規模倍增,重做環評研究概要。團體強調,最壞先例一開,恐將損害大灣區獨有國際濕地。團體強烈促請政府修改計劃,以免對后海灣生態系統造成不可逆轉的破壞。

塑新生停產 綠惜地球促當局今年內提交生產者責任草案

(2023年06月18日新聞稿) 全港首個最大規模的準食品級 (rPET) 塑膠回收設施塑新生有限公司 (New Life Plastics Ltd),四月中暫停生產。停產的其中主因,是香港廢膠樽回收率低,供不應求。綠惜地球稱,「大有來頭的塑新生也難永續經營,反映政府再不盡早推出飲品容器生產者責任法規,回收再造業者將繼續『無運行』,並打擊公眾的回收信心」。