Different kinds of events including running races, charity walks, sports events and carnivals happen every week. These frequent activities produce a tremendous amount of single-use disposable waste like plastic bottles, cutlery, plastic bags, onsite decorations and souvenirs are generated from these activities and they normally will end up in our landfills. Can we help save these valuable resources for planet earth?



We believe while enjoy the outdoor activities we can also be green to our earth! The Green Earth (TGE) has worked with more than 45 outdoor event organizers to convert their activities into “Green Event”. We have met with many organizers who kept trying to make their event “Greener” through creative ideas. In order to commend these organizers and to further promote “Green Event”, TGE is going to host the Green Event Award, while good practices of the awarded events will be included in「Green Event Waste Reduction Practice Handbook」as model cases for public reference.


For Event Organizers


For Public



Green Event Award
(For Event Organizers)

Are there any green measures being applied in your event?
Do you want to share your green measures with others? Come and join our Green Event Award, awarded events will be included in our “Green Event Waste Reduction Practice Handbook” as model cases!



  1. Any event with green measures, including but not limited to sports event, carnival, charity walk and exhibition,etc.
  2. Event scale: at least 200 participants (excluding staff and volunteers)
  3. The event should be opened to public*, no matter it is a free or paid event (*apart from age requirements, any person can register to/join the event)
  4. The event must take place within Hong Kong
  5. The event must take place within 1 Sep 2017 – 10 Mar 2019



  • – Three awarded events will be elected as model cases and will be included in Green Event Waste Reduction Practice Handbook”. The handbook will be uploaded to TGE’s website, distributed through various media platforms and sent to corporates and event organizers as reference. Your efforts in green event movement will be greatly appreciated.
  • – The awarded event organizers will be invited to join our Award Giving Ceremony cum Tree Planting day in Spring 2019, where your team and supporters can celebrate your achievement in the nature (there will be 10 tree planting quotas for each awarded organizer)
  • – The awarded event organizers will be presented with a trophy



Ms. Au Wing Tsz, Michelle – Political Assistant, Environment Bureau


Professor Leung Wing Mo
– Council for Sustainable Development, Environment Bureau


Mr. Stone Tsang – Famous Trail Runner

The judging criteria is listed below:
Design, creativity and practicality of green measures
Implementation and engagement (staff, volunteers and participants)
Effectiveness (preferably measurable)
Relativeness with event nature and scale

Five selected event organizers will be invited to attend an interview session to present their green measures to the judges.

Programme Schedule

Application Deadline 13 Mar 2019
Interview session 9 April 2019
Result Announcement Late April 2019

Application Procedures & Requirements

Applicants have to be the organizer of events, or an authorized party holding a written authorization from the event organizer.

Please e-mail the completed application form to info@greenearth-hk.org

If the size of photo/ video/ other supporting documents is larger than 8MB, please upload to a cloud storage, and provide the download link in the application form.

Apart from the application form, organizers may also include other supporting files, such as presentation slides/ photos/ videos/ nomination letters/ media coverages/ statistical reports/ certificates, etc.

My Most Liked Green Event Action Award
(Nominated and voted by public)

Have you recognized any event organizers who have achieved good outcomes by implementing green measures or any creative/ effective green measures in their events? Let’s share them on Facebook with us!

Nomination Procedures

Step 1

Step 1

Upload photo/ video of the event green measure you would like to nominate on your Facebook, please state event name and date. You may also include a short description of the measure.
Step 2

Step 2

Tag “@TheGreenEarth” on the post
Step 3

Step 3

Hashtag “#GreenEventActionNomination” on the post
Step 4

Step 4

Set privacy of the post as “Public”


  • Nomination is opened to the public
  • Any green measure of any event can be nominated, there is no restriction on event nature
  • Nominated events must be held within 1 Sep 2017 to 17 Feb 2019

TGE will shortlist 10 “Green Event Actions” for public voting (base on the “Green Event Atmosphere”) for public voting on Facebook. Nominators of the shortlisted “Green Event Actions” will receive a green gift sponsored by CITY.WITH.OUT.DOOR


“My Most Liked Green Event Action Award” will be awarded to the organizer and nominator whose event green measure has received the highest “Facebook Like” (Only “Like” and “Love” reactions will be counted) from the public.

Nominated Event Eligibility

– The event should be opened to the public, no matter it’s a free or paid event (*apart from age requirements, any person can register to/join the event)

– The event must take place within Hong Kong

Nominator Eligibility

– Nominators must be aged 12 or above

Nomination Deadline:
20 Feb 2019

Online Public Voting will be held from
late Feb to mid Mar 2019

Gift Sponsor: